Legacy Box
While I mentioned, we weren’t overly sentimental of the material things within our house, pictures & videos were a different story for me at least! With boxes, bins, & tubs of photos I knew they all couldn’t come along for the journey in our 5th wheel. However, I also knew the memories from the photographs and videos needed to stay alive. Thankfully, we had a camera shop nearby that had a ‘Shoebox Scan’ promo going on. All I had to do was fill the box (shoebox size – up to 1,000 photos), pay for the service, and pick up the originals as well as a DVD for easy archiving & viewing! Now the memories can join us in our new home all on a single DVD! Thanks Cardinal Camera! They only have 6 stores, so check out their locations. If there is not one in your area, try a local camera shop for similar services.
BTW – Before paying to scan all of your pictures, make sure to sort through them. I was shocked by the number of pictures I had in my stacks that really didn’t serve a purpose. A picture of cloudy water with a small bland fish from a vacation in 1990 didn’t really mean too much. I was able to probably pitch about 200 photos that never should have even been developed. Not sure why I had held on to them for so long.
I had come across another option I had planned to use for our VHS tapes with various memories we couldn’t dispose of. I came across Legacybox via a Google search (I can honestly say, I’m not sure how I accomplished so many tasks before Google). I signed up to receive their newsletter and before you know it a 60% off coupon arrived in my inbox, which sealed the deal. I have to admit I did think the service before the coupon was a bit pricey, but something I knew I wanted to invest in. Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but VHS tapes are on the way out! In the very near future pulling out a VHS will compare to pulling out 8 mm film today! I needed to get the memories onto something we could actually watch & enjoy every now and again (of course with buttered popcorn in hand, I wouldn’t attempt such a thing with out snacks!).
I bit the bullet and signed up for the starter box that included up to 3 VHS tapes (You can mix and match all types of media) for $34. I received an email that included all the info I needed to activate my Legacybox. A few days later the box and instructions showed up at my doorstep. I barcoded the tapes, packed them up, and sent them in the postage paid box.
I received updated emails as my tapes went through the process – received, reviewed, barcoded, shipped, and delivered. And magically all of my video memories are all together on a single DVD.
Legacybox was the perfect solution to archive our old memories. Well worth the investment in my book! It also would serve as a fabulous gift for your parents, children, or siblings! Talk about a super personal & memorable Christmas gift – Christmas is only 222 days away!
Easy peasy!
If you made it to the end of this post, I will offer you a piece of advice. Definitely check LivingSocial or Groupon before purchasing via Legacybox. They have some specials going on right now that are even better than the prices I received.