Our Arrival in Campbellsville

Our Arrival in Campbellsville

We made the drive from Winton Woods Campground in Cincinnati to Green River Resort in Campbellsville, Kentucky. The blue skies were back and it was a lovely day to drive through the beautiful Kentucky countryside. When we arrived, the campground manager told us there was only one site left and she hoped we could fit in there. Apparently several other people had tried to get in the site without much luck. It took some wiggling and manuevering, but we got “Charlie” all backed in to the site we will call home for the next two months. It feels funny to even say that as the longest we have been in any one place since the middle of May is 18 days. We are looking forward to having time to explore the area on our days off. 

Yes, I said “days off” because we are actually going back to work! Our jobs with Amazon Camperforce start tomorrow. They have made the process super easy through email communication and all paperwork being filled out electronically and submitted prior to starting up tomorrow. Get all that legal and tax mumbo-jumbo out of the way. The jobs run through Christmas Eve so essentially we are here to help with the holiday hustle. We will be working four 10 hours days in either the receiving, stowing, picking, or packing departments. From what we have heard, after a few weeks there is usually mandatory overtime which would be five 10 hour days. The good news is they will be easing us in this week with a day of orientation and then four half days they refer to as “work hardening”. They have told us to expect to walk between 5 - 10 miles a day and we have heard about people having walked up to 25 miles in a shift. We are excited for the chance to get some extra exercise while getting paid to work! We will be equipped with our new fitbits to have some true data about our steps other than just achy feet and tired backs! We will be giving weekly updates for those of you campers that are thinking about doing this in the future and for friends & family to keep tabs on what we are up to. We’ve got the lunches packed and are all ready to go. We drove by the facility both yesterday and today so we are good to go tomorrow morning with an easy 5 minute commute. Order up from Amazon - keep us busy! 

The majority of the people at this campground are working at Amazon as well. So, we have already met a bunch of people that will start with us on Monday. We even ran into a couple we had met at an RV-Dreams.com rally a few years back and Ed & Theresa who we met at MORryde back in July. I’m always amazed with so many places to visit in see; what a small world we really live in when it comes to connections with people!

We spent the last few days checking out the city of Campbellsville and getting familiar with the area. It’s fun making a new place “home” for awhile— finding the closest grocery store, the local post office, afternoon coffee shop stop, good walking & bike trails - you know the necessities?

Campbellsville is nestled in the heart of Bluegrass country about 90 miles south of Louisville. It seems to be quite the place for outdoor adventure with bunches of trails, lakes, rivers, parks, campgrounds, etc. We are only a few miles from Green River Lake State Park which we toured a bit yesterday and we checked out Miller Park today which features sports courts, a paved walking trail, and a FREE 3-par golf course. We just might hit the links on a sunny day off.

We also explored Main Street in Campbellsville today and look forward to visiting some of the local shops and eateries downtown. Certainly had a charming small-town atmosphere that we both just love. We’ve been brainstorming things we would like to do while in the state and our list is getting lengthy. There’s just never quite enough time. Any recommendations or suggestions from our readers?

“Work Hardening” – Week #1 at Amazon

“Work Hardening” – Week #1 at Amazon

Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished