Keshi : : Guw’aadzi : : Shema e' tewa : : “Hello” in the 3 Pueblo languages of New Mexico . . .
Follow our Journey!
Follow our Journey!
All in Eats on the Road
Keshi : : Guw’aadzi : : Shema e' tewa : : “Hello” in the 3 Pueblo languages of New Mexico . . .
A festival celebrating one of the best matches made in heaven . . .
Enjoying the scenes, sips and snakes of Albuquerque’s Old Town…
Back to back days visiting a low point of Albuquerque to its highest peak . . .
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” —Virginia Woolf
At Christmas, play and make good cheer, as Christmas comes only once a year . . .
With lots to see in Santa Fe, on this trip we completed the “Church Trifecta” . . .
From city to shining city . . .
We enjoyed several of America’s Favorite Pastimes - baseball, the beach and coffee breaks!
A trip to the coast is a trip to the coast . . .
The blog posts where we ramble on about our everyday doings with hopes of at least making you chuckle once or twice...
South Padre Island - A great place to visit, except during Spring Break week!
A few days of things we love: Friends, Basketball, Ice cream Oh My!
It may be time to head South, but not before loving and laughing with family...
Food tastes better when you eat it with friends...
Time keeps on slipping’, slippin, slippin’ into the future….
As we went from MA (Massachusetts) to ME (Maine)...
Time spent with family is time well spent....
A utopia for lovers of potatoes...