2017 - A little more of this, a little less of that...
New Year’s resolutions have been around for thousands of years. It comes at a time when people look back at the past year(s) and make an effort to improve in some or all aspects of their life as a new year begins. The promises run the gamut from physical to mental also usually from possible to improbable. But, regardless they serve as a goal. We all know that the statistics show that these New Year’s resolutions often don’t last long. In the bakery business, I knew the first few weeks of “sweets sales” would be slow, but as soon as the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day rolled around sales would be back to normal. This year we have decided that rather than make bold, strict statements that would fade within the first few months of the year, we would crate a MORE/LESS list of our resolutions for 2017. Rather than emphatically say we will never eat another cookie in 2017 (We're smarter than that!), our goal will look something like this… LESS cookies, MORE greens.
We are hoping this will work more effectively than a sometimes overwhelming list of “bad” things we do and wondering how we will ever give them up. It will show us the direction we want to go in a gentle, guiding way. We would love to hear your resolutions for this year too…. share a few or all of them in the comments below.