Ready or Not, Here We Go...
Well today was the day we officially hit the road. From here on out, May 19th will be considered our Nomadiversary! I’m sure this year will be full of adjustments and finding our bearings in this new life, but without a doubt we are more than excited about the journey.
We are still adjusting to the questions of: Where do you live? Where are you going next? Where’s your home? The truth is, we live in our 5th wheel – it is our home and it is with us all the time wherever we go. This isn’t just a trip or a vacation. Rather, it is the life we have decided to embrace. We understand that many people won’t be able to understand – but that is quite all right!
This morning, as we rolled out of our storage space in Spring City, PA we officially had everything we owned with us. The life we had dreamed, talked, and planned about was truly here. As Russ merged into traffic on 422, I watched my house join into the traffic and we were on the way.

As we start our first year “on the road” we want to live out our blog name.
SEE the Country
LOVE Each Other
On May 19th of 2017, we hope to be able read this post and have accomplished the following things throughout the upcoming year. Things that in our previous life we so often neglected.
Enjoy Local Culture – local bike trails, small town coffee shops, and local cuisine (that might sound a little food heavy, but we are recovering foodies! )
Take Time to Pursue Things We Never Took Time For – kayaking, biking, golfing
Marking Some Things Off our Bucket List – Stay in states we have never been too, visit National & State Parks
Work a Job We Have Never Tried Before
Getting to know our new home inside & out – the good, the bad, the ugly!
Visit Friends & Family – We have been blessed with such wonderful families & friends, but weren’t able to connect with them as much as we hope to in the future. Can’t wait to see their faces more frequently!
We hope you enjoy our daily/weekly/monthly musings as we begin the next 365 days. As we blog, we hope to not only create a journal of memories, but hope to provide first hand experience to those interested in full-time RVing, and inspiring others to follow their dreams.
Buckle Up, Hold On Tight & Enjoy the Ride….